About Us

We are a team of corporate consultants, constantly showcasing devotion to our clients. We consider ourselves lucky enough to have collaborated with businesses of all sizes and sectors, all around Greece.

Like every other company that bases its success on its human resources, we benefit from our partners’ undeniable know-how and year-long industry experience, thus transforming it into profitability for the sake of our clients, circa 1992.

Christos Vagenas

General manager and main partner. Graduate of the Department of Economics of the University of Piraeus and recipient of the Finance and Investment MSc of Brunel University in London. He has implemented projects for small, medium and large enterprises, focusing on investment funding, financial programming, and business structure. Additionally, he has served as a coordinator for several businesses’ funded research projects, and as an Academic & Research Partner of the Informatics & Computer Technology Department of the Technological Educational Institute of Lamia. His specialisation in management consulting is quite significant, while he has become a member of various professional registers, such as the Economic Chamber of Greece, the Register of Auditors for investment plans of the Developmental Law, and the Register of Evaluators for investment plans (EFEPAE).

Grigoris Kalamakidis

He is a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Department of the Democritus University of Thrace, specialised in the fields of Industrial Electrical Installations, Energy Systems, and Automatic Control Systems. He pursued postgraduate studies in Power Electronics, at Bradford University in Great Britain. He possesses an outstanding experience in conducting and submitting funding proposals addressed to several National and European Research/Investment Schemes, on the account of third-party enterprises. He is also experienced in the fields of Strategic Planning, Industrial Informatics, Business Plan Implementation and Evaluation, and Technology Transfer. Among others, he actively participates in five European Union-led general directorates, as well as the Register’s Council of the Hellenic Organisation of Small & Medium-Sized Enterprises & Handicrafts (EOMMEX), the Register of third-party collaborators of the Ministry of Development & Investments, and the Register’s Council of EOMMEX in Cyprus.

Angelos Magklis

He has a BSc in Civil engineering and an MSc in Technology Development and Industrial Strategy, obtained from the University of Manchester (PREST) – UK. He is a member of the Evaluation Network of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Research and he represents Atlantis at several European Commission-led institutions, such as ETEPS (European Techno – Economic Policy Support Network) and TII (Technology, Innovation, Information). He has achieved Member Emeritus status at the Hellenic Association of Innovative Application Companies of Greece, on the grounds of his personal contribution to the Association’s funding and his part in envisioning and creating the Hellenic Mobile Cluster. He is experienced in policy topics for research and technology, as well as in national programs evaluation, innovation management, technology transfer, and in expertise and access policies for funds and enterprise development, on both a regional and a transregional level.